26.2.2008 | 22:01
Kirkjan og nasisminn
Žann 4. nóvember įriš 1942 efndi Amerķkudeild Alkirkjurįšsins til hįdegisveršarfundar ķ New York. Ręšumašur var norski stjórnmįlamašurinn Johan Ludwig Mowinckel, frjįlslyndur jafnašarmašur, sem gegnt hafi embęttum forsętis- og utanrķkisrįšherra ķ heimalandi sķnu.
Žegar Žjóšverjar hertóku Noreg įriš 1940 flżši Mowinckel landiš įsamt śtlagastjórninni. Hann talaši mįli Noregs ķ Bandarķkjunum en lést žar įriš 1943.
Tępu įri įšur flutti hann žessa ręšu sem hann nefndi "The Fight of the Norwegian Church".
Ég birti hér kafla śr ręšu Mowinckels.
Žar lżsir hann ašstęšum norsku Žjóškirkjunnar og uppbyggingu hennar auk žess sem hann segir frį innrįs Žjóšverja og valdatöku nasista eftir uppgjöf norska hersins.
"It soon became apparent that the Norwegian Church as well as the religious life in Norway was in grave danger. The pressure became increasingly strong, with an ever-growing demand that the Church not only adopt the New Nazi Order, but that it should also give the Order its blessing."
Barįttan var rétt aš byrja. Stormsveitir Quislings réšust į skóla og menningarstofnanir, kennarar og prófessorar voru handteknir, norska lagakerfiš var afnumiš meš žeim afleišingum aš hęstaréttardómarar sögšu af sér og norskum prestum var tilkynnt aš žeir vęri ekki lengur bundnir žagnareiši.
15. janśar 1941 sendu biskupar norsku kirkjunnar frį sér mótmęlabréf. Mowinckel vitnar ķ hluta žess ķ ręšu sinni.
"When the authorities permit acts of violence and injustice, and exert pressure on our souls, then the Church becomes the defender of the people's conscience."
Norska leppstjórnin gerši allt til žess aš hindra śtbreišslu bréfsins og meš lögregluvaldi var reynt aš koma ķ veg fyrir aš žaš yrši lesiš upphįtt ķ kirkjum landsins.
Mowinckel segir frį frekari ašgeršum nasista gegn kirkju og kristni ķ Noregi:
"Even Luther's catechism was revised to fit into the New Order. Pastors were discharged all over the country, but their congregations remained faithful to them."
Žann 1. febrśar įriš 1942 marserušu nasistarnir inn ķ dómkirkjuna ķ Nišarósi, žjóšarhelgidóm Noršmanna, og lokušu henni žannig aš prestur kirkjunnar, Fjellbu, gat ekki embęttaš žar. Į žrišja žśsund manns stóšu fyrir utan kirkjuna og sungu hinn forna sįlm Lśthers "Vor Guš er borg į bjargi traust". (Hann mį lesa hér ķ ķslenskri žżšingu.)
Atburširnir ķ Nišarósi leiddu til žess aš séra Fjellbu var leystur frį störfum og handtekinn.
Hinir sjö biskupar norsku kirkjunnar gripu žį til žess rįšs aš segja af sér enda töldu žeir sér ekki lengur fęrt aš gegna embęttum sķnum. Ķ uppsagnarbréfi sögšu žeir:
"The Bishops of the Norwegian Church would be unfaithful to their calling if they continued as part of an administration, which in this manner and without ecclesiastical reason offends the congregations and adds injustice to violence. I therefore give notice that I hereby resign my office. That is to say, I give up the office with which the State has entrusted me. The spiritual mission which was bestowed upon me when I was consecrated at the Altar of the Lord is still mine with all rights and privileges. It is still my office to preach the gospel, to watch over the congregation, and to be the spiritual guide of the Clergy. I shall in the future carry on in this Mission so far as is possible for one who is not a government official. But to continue administrative cooperation with a State that violates the Church would be to betray the holiest of holy."
1.100 af 1.139 prestum norsku kirkjunnar fylgdu fordęmi biskupa sinna.
Eivind Berggrav, Oslóarbiskup, var fangelsašur.
Žessu nęst létu nasistar į nż aš sér kveša ķ skólum landsins, eša eins og Mowinckel segir frį ķ ręšu sinni:
"The Quislings now took a new decisive step declaring that the schools and the teachers should adhere to the philosophy of the New Order. At the same time, and in keeping with the New Order, the education of children was to be organized along lines which would altogether remove them from the influence of their parents and of their homes."
Kirkjan brįst viš meš yfirlżsingu sem lesin var upp viš pįskamessur sama įr. Žar segir:
"The Church would fail in its duty towards Christian education were it to stand by and calmly watch a secular Power plan the moral and spiritual education for Children and Adults independent of, and contrary to all Christian precepts. Parents and Teachers must not be forced to violate their conscience and leave Children to be brought up in a way which will revolutionize their minds, and introduce a lasting spiritual injury altogether foreign to Christianity."
Stuttu įšur en Mowinckel flutti žessa ręšu į hįdegisveršarfundinum ķ New York barst norsku leppstjórninni bréf frį norsku kirkjunni. Mowinckel hafši undir höndum eintak af žvķ. Žar stendur m. a.:
"Here we stand today. God has given us grace and strength to stand up under all that has befallen us. We have been sustained by the prayers and the faith of our ministers and congregations. At this moment we do not know whether it will be negotiations with the Church or an open breach. But even so, we stand fearlessly here."
Žaš er mikiš ķ hśfi ķ barįttu norsku kirkjunnar, segir Mowinckel:
"And this all the more so as it is not only a fight by the Church to protect the Church, but to safeguard the spiritual and cultural life on the whole, which has been subjected to the most brutal violation. The Nazi religion will neither tolerate the continuation of spiritual freedom, nor the free and scientific life and work at the universities, nor the wholesome activities of the schools."
"The Church is also protecting the homes. For even into the holiest of the holy in the homes, into the relationship between parents and children has the New Order violently thrust itself. The Nazis demand that children hardly out of their cradles be surrendered and given over to compulsory education, and be altogether removed from parental influence."
Mowinckel heldur įfram:
"The Church is the leading factor in this fight to safeguard and protect Culture, Science, Schools and Homes. With the Lutheran State Church stand all other denominations, Protestant and Catholic, firmly and unbreakably together. It has become an "Ecclesia militans"."
"It is truly a cultural fight. It is two different phases of culture, two spiritual elements that fight each other. It is two kinds of faith, two religions."
Mowinckel vitnar ķ bók sem žį var nżkomin śt ķ Žżskalandi, "Gott und Volk - Soldatisches Bekenntnis". Žar segir höfundur bókarinnar aš kynslóš hans hafi sagt skiliš viš gamlar trśarsetningar. Nokkrar tilvitnanir ķ bókina eru ķ ręšu Mowinckels.
T. d. žessar:
"We have deviated from the Jewish fables..."
"Christianity is but a sprout on the tree of Judaism."
"It is the religion of the small and the weak, the religion of cowardly and pitiable people."
"We Germans have by fate been chosen to be the first to break with Christianity. To us it is an honor."
Lokaorš Mowinckels eru:
"I feel this will suffice to make clear to you all that is involved in this war. It is not only a war for liberty and democracy. It is a war for deep spiritual ideals. It is a war for a culture that dates back some two thousand years, for an ethical conception which has formed the basic principles of civilisation for a whole world, and which is now being threatened in its innermost being."
"It is in this World Struggle for total freedom, the Church of Norway courageously takes her place. It is a struggle in which all Christian Churches throughout the world, even the German Church, of necessity, must stand together, because it vitally concerns the future of them all."
Ręšu Mowinckels er aš finna hér.
Miklar žakkir įttu skildar, séra Svavar Alfreš, fyrir žessa afar gagnlegu samantekt og žetta ljósa og góša yfirlit – langt, en žó afar spennandi ķ lestri – um barįttu Mowickels og trśsystkina hans ķ Noregi. Sannarlega eiga Noršmenn heišur skilinn fyrir višnįm sitt allt gegn nazismanum, en kirkjan norska į sinn ómęlda hlut ķ žeim heišri lķka.
Žakka žér lķka fyrir aš mišla til okkar žeirri stašreynd, sem blasir viš af žessum textum, hvernig Seinni heimsstyrjöldin var lķka hugmynda(fręši)legt strķš, įtök góšs og ills, sannleika og lygi, sišagilda og žeirrar grófu ómennsku sem žóttist žó geta ķklęšzt göfgi ęšri hugsjóna! – Žakka žér fyrir aš minna į andkristiš ešli nazismans, jafnvel herskįa stefnu hans gegn kristindómnum, sem sumir andlegir blindingjar ķ samtķš okkar vita ekkert af og voga sér jafnvel aš tala um Hitler og sumt af hans illžżši sem "kristna menn"! (sbr. hins vegar innlegg mitt 17. febr. 2008 kl. 22:44 nešst į žessari vefslóš). – Meš kęrri kvešju og ósk um Gušs blessun,
Jón Valur Jensson, 27.2.2008 kl. 02:51
Matthķas Įsgeirsson, 27.2.2008 kl. 20:32
Ég žakka Matthķasi fyrir aš taka upp hanskann fyrir andlegu blindingjana og hvet žį sem ašra lesendur aš lesa sįlminn "Vor Guš er borg į bjargi traust" sem vķsaš er į ķ fęrslunni.
Góšur vinur benti mér į žaš ķ dag aš sįlmurinn hefši galopnast fyrir sér ķ žessu samhengi.
Svavar Alfreš Jónsson, 27.2.2008 kl. 20:50
Žeir taki bara sneiš mķna til sķn sem eiga hana – en getur veriš, aš Matthķas žessi, formašur Vantrśar, sé einn žeirra?
Jón Valur Jensson, 27.2.2008 kl. 21:11
Oft hef ég veriš kallašur dóni og ofstękismašur af viškvęmum trśmönnum. Aldrei hef ég samt kallaš hópa trśmanna andlega blindingja.
Séra Svavar og Jón Valur eru nefnilega, eins og svo margir trśbręšur žeirra, ótrślega miklir hręsnarar. Žaš skiptir öllu mįli hvort sį sem ręšir heitir Jón eša séra Jón.
Matthķas Įsgeirsson, 28.2.2008 kl. 09:53
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.